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lilly endowment inc.

Columbia Seminary awarded congregational development grant

Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia, has received a grant of $969,528 from Lilly Endowment Inc. to help establish the “reKindle: Congregational Development in a Post COVID-19 Era” program through its Center for Lifelong Learning.

Ten churches selected to receive $1.9 million in preservation grants

Second Presbyterian Church in Chicago is among 10 churches around the country to receive a total of $1.9 million in repair and restoration funds designed to safeguard their physical legacies and strengthen the value they contribute to their communities. The grants were announced in a news release Thursday by the National Fund for Sacred Places.

Lilly Endowment Inc. makes new grants to save historic churches

Lilly Endowment Inc. has furthered its commitment to supporting congregations and preserving significant portions of America’s religious and cultural landscape by awarding nearly $15 million in grants to Partners for Sacred Places and the National Trust for Historic Preservation, to extend the National Fund for Sacred Places (The National Fund).