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The Academy: Training ruling elders

What is a small, isolated Presbyterian church to do if it can’t afford to hire an ordained pastor? As that dilemma becomes more common, several Midwestern presbyteries and the Synod of Lakes and Prairies are collaborating on coursework to train elders for greater responsibilities.

Segundo día de reunión de la comisión Camino hacia Adelante mejora recomendaciones

La comisión Camino hacia Adelante de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) se reunió hoy por segunda vez para refinar su informe a la 223a Asamblea General (2018) que se llevara a cabo en St. Louis este verano. Esta comisión, formada por la 222a Asamblea General (2016) en Portland, se le encargo «estudiar e identificar una visión de la estructura y función de las agencias de la Asamblea General del IPC (EE.UU.)».

웨이 포워드 전권위원회 모임의 두 번째 날, 추천 개선안을 가져오다

미국장로교의 앞으로 나아갈 길 전권위원회 (The Way Forward Commission)는 오늘 올 여름 세인트 루이스에서 열리는 제223차 총회(2018) 회의 보고서를 수정하기 위해 3일간의 회의 중 두 번째 날로 만났다. 포틀랜드에서 열린 222차 총회(2016)에 의해 형성된 전권위원회는 “미국장로교 총회 기관의 구조와 기능에 대한 비전을 밝히고 식별하라”는 임무를 부여 받았다.

Presbyterian Mission Agency CFO departs

After four-and-a-half years of dedicated service to the Presbyterian Mission Agency, Deputy Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer Earline Williams has embraced a new season of service with her family in Philadelphia.

PC(USA) Benefits Plan offers flexibility for 21st century church leaders

Sean Chow, 1001 New Worshiping Communities west region associate, will host a two-part webinar discussion on Facebook about the Benefits Plan of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) this Friday at 9 a.m. ET. Highlights of the conversation include the flexibility and menu options offered to 1001 NWC leaders.