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john 3:16

A Valentine’s card for all

Valentine’s Day is one of those commercialized holidays that boost the bottom lines of candy companies — and florists. But when I was a little girl, Feb. 14 wasn’t about flowers or even the chocolates in the heart-shaped box that my mother would put on top of my cereal bowl in the morning. (It was always a beautiful sight to see that loving gesture brightening what would have been just another ordinary wintry day for my brother, sister and me. I tried my best not to get into the candy before heading to school, emphasis on “tried.”)

Kennedy, King and restoring God’s Creation

The Most Rev. Michael Curry was at a meeting of Anglican bishops from around the world at Canterbury Cathedral in England, and one of the daily themes of the meeting was “the environment.”

Louisville Seminary releases ‘Because We Are’ statement

The centuries-old Black struggle for freedom and equality in the creation of a better country, a better world, has erupted in Louisville. The Movement for Black Lives, powerful and undaunted community organizing by young people committed to racial and social justice, came into existence here and everywhere because it had to.