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International Peacemakers 2017

International Peacemaker from Mexico advocates for women’s rights

Lydia Cordero Cabrera has a difficult job. As general director for a crisis center in Mexico, she works daily with women who are facing life-and-death situations in their homes. The center, Casa Amiga Centro de Crisis, is in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, across the border from El Paso, Texas.

International Peacemaker from Vietnam faces significant challenges

Building a church and its membership from the ground up is no small feat. Doing it in a country that persecutes members of your faith makes it doubly difficult. But the Rev. Manh Nguyen, pastor at the Evangelical Community Church in Hanoi, Vietnam, continues to grow his church despite a government that frowns upon religion in general, and Christians specifically.

이번 가을 미국을 방문할 중앙 아메리카의 평화 조정자

델리아 레알Delia Leal 목사는 중앙 아메리카 목회 연구센터(CEDEPCA)와 멕시코 및 중앙 아메리카 여성부 프로그램의 지역 코디네이터이다. 현재 침례교 목회자인 레알Leal은 장로교 평화 프로그램과 함께하는 2017년 국제 평화 프로그램의 일환으로 올 가을에 미국 회중 및 기관들과 대화할 것이다.

Central American peacemaker to visit U.S. this fall

The Rev. Delia Leal is the regional coordinator for the Women’s Ministry program in Mexico and Central America with the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (CEDEPCA). Currently a pastor for a Baptist congregation, Leal will speak to U.S. congregations and organizations this fall as part of the 2017 International Peacemakers with the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program.

Presbyterian Peacemaker from Myanmar will speak in U.S. this fall

With a population of more than 60 million people, Myanmar (Burma) is a country rich in natural and mineral resources, but its citizens are some of the poorest in the world. The Rev. Pek Muan Cuang, an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church of Myanmar (PCM), will speak to U.S. congregations and organizations this fall as part of the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program’s 2017 International Peacemakers series.

Peacemaker from Northern Ireland to speak in the U.S. this fall

Anyone who has dealt with conflict that has lasted for years knows how difficult it can be to re-establish a bond with the other side, even if that conflict ended long ago. That is a challenge faced by the Rev. Doug Baker, one of the 2017 International Peacemakers visiting the U.S. this fall.

Ukrainian peacemaker devotes life to helping at-risk youth

Although she never planned it as her life’s vocation, Alla Soroka has been actively working with at-risk children since 2005. She found her passion, and her trust in God, working with teenage prisoners, children and orphans living in the streets of her native Odessa, Ukraine. She will be sharing some of her experiences this fall as a 2017 International Peacemaker.