The 225th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) declared the years 2022 to 2032 to be the Decade to End Gun Violence and called on the church to recommit itself to the work.
The 49 churches in Mid-Kentucky Presbytery are being offered grants on a sliding scale, depending on their membership, to help them install electric car charging stations.
For the second consecutive year, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is offering grants for refugee- and immigrant-led organizations with a focus on immigrant rights and advocacy.
The Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People (SDOP) approved grants earlier this year totaling more than $190,00 to a baker’s dozen of self-help projects. The money is from the One Great Hour of Sharing offering.
Nebraska Presbyterian Foundation Board of Directors awarded grants totaling $182,500 in April to 10 churches or organizations to partially fund outreach projects which enhance or expand their ministry.
As climate change continued to fuel natural disasters throughout the United States and around the world in 2020, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance responded with the help of partners and volunteers to bring help and hope to those in affected areas.
People from Cameroon, Haiti and the Democratic Republic of Congo are held in immigration detention centers because they put their trust in the United States as a place of safety, only to be denied due process and ordered deported.
“Necessity is the mother of invention” is a term that we often hear when talking about those who have become successful in their endeavors. There is no doubt that the yearning to resolve difficult situations inspires ingenious solutions! Les Brown, a motivational speaker who overcame overwhelming odds of poverty and family tragedies, says, “you gotta be hungry, and when you are hungry, it is necessary, and when it is necessary, you understand and believe it is possible!”
In an ongoing effort to build gender equity, the Women’s Leadership Development and Young Women’s Ministries of the Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries has awarded women’s ministries leadership development grants to two congregations: St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church in Beechwood, Ohio, where the Rev. Carmen Harwell is pastor, and the Seigle Avenue Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, now known as The Avenue Presbyterian Church.