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financial aid for service

‘Surprised by joy’

The Rev. Stacy Smith says she has been “surprised by joy” as she looks back at the last five years of her life.

Samuel Robinson Award winner memorizes Westminster Shorter Catechism

In the summer of 2020, Lydia Miller was feeling somewhat lonely and isolated. Except for her college experience, for the first time she was living away from home — in Grand Rapids, Michigan, as a print design intern at Our Daily Bread Ministries.

‘Surprised by joy’

The Rev. Stacy Smith says she has been “surprised by joy” as she looks back at the last five years of her life.

‘That’s what we need to root out’

One moment emerged above all the others Wednesday during a “Vital Conversations” webinar hosted by the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Office of Vital Congregations.

Emergency student loan management enacted during COVID-19 crisis

New resources from the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Financial Aid for Service provide guidance on how to manage one’s student loans, now that the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) has been signed into law by President Donald Trump.

Survey helps ministers learn how to cut their higher ed costs

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s first-ever comprehensive Minister Survey, fielded in fall 2019, has resulted in some 680 ministers receiving information on Presbyterian Mission Agency and Board of Pensions programs that can help them reduce their current educational debt and tap into financial aid programs for their children’s education.