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environmental justice

That’s a RAP

The Reimaging America Project, a grassroots effort of clergy, activists, and local leaders in and around Charlotte, North Carolina who are working to reduce the unjust impacts race has on the systems of our society, was the subject of an illuminating webinar offered last week by Union Presbyterian Seminary and two of its institutions, the Center for Social Justice and Reconciliation and the Katie Geneva Center for Womanist Leadership.

Creative approaches to addressing hunger and homelessness applauded

During a recent virtual meeting, the Presbyterian Hunger Program Advisory Committee heard about a variety of approaches that are being used by faith communities to address poverty and homelessness, from taking a group bike ride to paying off medical debt.

What does JOY mean to you?

New worshiping communities in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) take on new and varied forms of church in a changing culture. Primarily they are seeking to make and form new disciples of Jesus Christ in order to transform the world. How they put that into practice often involves creativity and out-of-the-box approaches.

What does JOY mean to you?

New worshiping communities in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) take on new and varied forms of church in a changing culture. Primarily they are seeking to make and form new disciples of Jesus Christ in order to transform the world. How they put that into practice often involves creativity and out-of-the-box approaches.

Native plants transform church property

A church planting project to protect Chesapeake Bay from stormwater runoff also turned the property into a sanctuary for birds and butterflies.

Astudillo receives Presbyterians for Earth Care Annual Eco Justice Award

The Rev. Dr. Neddy Astudillo recently received the Presbyterians for Earth Care Annual Eco Justice Award. Astudillo, who works with GreenFaith, an organization with a mission to inspire, educate, organize and mobilize people of diverse religious and spiritual backgrounds globally for environmental action, is a leader in the ministry of environmental justice.