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covenant network of presbyterians

You’re welcome

Most churches in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) proclaim welcome to anyone attending worship for the first time, whether worship is occurring in person or online. Why welcome matters and how much impact welcome can have were among the topics explored Saturday by Trinity Presbyterian Church in Springfield, Missouri, which welcomed the Rev. Brian Ellison, executive director of Covenant Network of Presbyterians, to both speak to and listen to a welcoming congregation. Watch the 75-minute event here.

The T-ball umpire as stated clerk?

While the Rev. Brian Ellison didn’t realize it at the time, umpiring T-ball games as a youth can be job training for work as a stated clerk, which Ellison does for both the Synod of Mid-America and Heartland Presbytery.

Presbyterian Historical Society announces Pam Byers Memorial Initiative

Individuals and organizations whose written materials and photos can help tell the historical stories of LGBTQIA+ advocates in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) are invited to consider contributing those materials to the Pam Byers Memorial Collecting Initiative, sponsored by the Presbyterian Historical Society (PHS). In October the PHS announced the public phase of the initiative. Financial support for the project has been raised through the Pam Byers Memorial Fund.