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Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Matthew 25: the real deal

The Rev. Dr. Floretta Barbee-Watkins calls her online outreach “Zoom at Noon,” and Wednesday’s edition “Matthew 25: the real deal.” But it might well have been labeled “Exegeting Matthew 25:31-46 in practical ways everyone can understand.”

With help from its youngest attendees, PAM conference ends on a high note

Since Friday’s closing worship at the Presbyterian Association of Musicians’ Worship and Music Conference focused on communion, dozens of loaves of bread from all over the world were spread on the communion table before worshipers. For this service, children were also front and center — right where Jesus wants them to be, according to Mark 10:13-16, one of the texts selected by the conference preacher, the Rev. CeCe Armstrong of St. James Presbyterian Church in Charleston, S.C.

‘We are free’

During Thursday morning’s worship service at the Presbyterian Association of Musicians’ Worship and Music Conference, the Rev. Cecilia (Ce Ce) Armstrong told those gathered in person and online that she was not going to preach a devotional sermon.

‘Attending with faithfulness to the church’s worship and community’

The first-ever hybrid version of the Presbyterian Association of Musicians’ Worship and Music Conference began in person Sunday from Montreat Conference Center and includes an entirely online offering June 27 through July 2. View the conference livestream schedule here. Register for the online conference here.

PC(USA) seminaries adapt to remote learning

The global COVID-19 pandemic forced many institutions to rethink how they communicate and collaborate given various lockdowns and requirements for social distancing to mitigate its spread. Education was especially affected as models of in-person instruction shifted in a matter of weeks to an exclusively virtual and online pedagogy.

‘Remember your baptism and be thankful!’

There is a fountain in Louisville’s Waterfront Park beside the Ohio River. It is an oasis for office workers and a treat for tourists in the heat of summer. Children splash with delight in the jets of water that spring up from the ground. And for members of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Sacrament Study Group (2003–2006) it is a sacred place.

Westminster John Knox Press releases three new Bible studies

Westminster John Knox Press is excited to announce the publication of three new Bible studies: “Lies My Preacher Told Me: An Honest Look at the Old Testament” by Brent A. Strawn, “The Flawed Family of God: Stories about the Imperfect Families in Genesis” by Carolyn B. Helsel and Song-Mi Suzie Park, and “From Daughters to Disciples: Women’s Stories in the New Testament” by Lynn Japinga. These three new Bible studies offer opportunities for individual and group reflection.