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If the land could speak, what stories would it tell?

After COVID-19 forced the cancelation of planned projects and in-person worship, Coastland Commons, a 1001 New Worshiping Community in Seattle Presbytery,  moved to Zoom discussions about their city’s history of land use by Black, Indigenous and people of color communities. After about six months of Zoom gatherings, they figured out a safe way to see Seattle anew through socially distanced community walks. They reached out to the Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI), which organizes redlining tours in Seattle’s Capitol Hill and Central District neighborhoods.

Examining stewardship in racial and ethnic communities

The Rev. Dr. James Reese, now approaching the 70th anniversary of his ordination in the Presbyterian Church, believes learning about stewardship is a cross-cultural exercise. He asserts approaches to charitable giving, especially in the context of the church, are formed by a community ethos — and he has the data to back it up.

Un lugar en la mesa para jóvenes hispanos, africanos y asiáticos

El presidente de la Escuela Presbiteriana Panamericana, Doug Dalglish, recuerda el viaje que hizo en el 2016 al Seminario Teológico Presbiteriano de Austin, cuando experimentó de nuevo cómo la escuela, a la cual sirve, prepara a jóvenes líderes cristianos (9no a 12vo grado) para todo el mundo.