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Forums slated for Black Millennials

Discussions sponsored by the African American Intercultural Congregational Support Ministry are designed to gain insight into a new generation of leaders

by Gail Strange | Presbyterian News Service

Photo by Joshua Eckstein via Unsplash

LOUISVILLE — The African American Intercultural Congregational Support ministry announces its inaugural Black Millennials and the Church forum. The online event will begin at 7 p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, September 9.

Registration is now available for the initial forum. Click here to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

This the first in a series of Black Millennial listening forums where the church can have an opportunity to listen, understand and acquire insight into a new generation of church leaders’ perspectives on the future of ministry and mission.

The forum also provides an opportunity for the broader African American church to gain insight into those issues that often prove to be disconnects between African American Millennials and the church.

“The Black Millennial virtual forum is an intergenerational event,” said the Rev. Michael Moore, Associate for the African American Intercultural Congregational Support Ministry. “This event will allow us to highlight dynamic African American Millennial panelists and their views, perspectives and visons on the future of the church.”

The event is being moderated by Sarah Bridges, a Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) worker in the African American Intercultural office who is starting a year-long mission in the program.

Moore says all too often, churches look for ways to increase the number and engagement of Millennials, but don’t necessarily hear what the Millennials are saying they need to become or stay involved in the church.

“We’re hoping this is just the first of many of these types of events in the Black Presbyterian church where we can connect generations, where they take the opportunity to truly listen to each other to advance a common goal,” he said.

To date the panel will include:

Brianna Attey Mouanjo



Malik Murphy

Joy Williams

The African American Intercultural Congregational Support Office assists the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in addressing the needs of African American congregations. It works in partnership with mid councils to nurture conversations and facilitate ministries that will transform African American churches into more vibrant, healthier congregations.

The office emphasizes principles that will encourage, nurture, support, motivate, equip, and empower leaders and disciples of Jesus Christ to become more intentional about engaging in spiritual practices that nurture a transformational spirituality and lead towards transforming communities into the Beloved Community or the realm of God on Earth.

In the PC(USA) there are approximately 460 predominantly African American congregations and an estimated 80,000 African American Presbyterians.

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