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December ‘Keeping Faith’ video newsletter published

PMA’s interim executive director De La Rosa explores the longing of Advent

by Paul Seebeck | Presbyterian News Service

LOUISVILLE – Keeping Faith, the video newsletter from Tony De La Rosa, Interim Executive Director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, was published earlier today.

In this December edition, De La Rosa features stories of those experiencing the longing, joy and hope that are part of the season of Advent.

  • Witness the longing as PC(USA) leaders stand in solidarity with Native American tribes and groups—water protectors hoping to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline and its encroachment upon Native American land.
  • See the hope of students from underserved communities reaching their full God-given potential thanks to the work of our historical Presbyterian racial-ethnic schools and colleges.
  • Experience joy as one PC(USA) congregation gives individual gifts to every teaching elder in its presbytery.

Keeping Faith is available in English with English, Korean and Spanish subtitles.

Click here to download Keeping Faith stories individually.

To support students like those featured in Keeping Faith please give to the Christmas Joy Offering, which helps fund historically Presbyterian racial-ethnic schools and colleges. The offering also provides financial assistance to current and former church workers and their families in times of need.

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