Share the peace of Christ by supporting the Peace & Global Witness Offering.

Special Offerings

Caring for people on the move

The work of Susan Krehbiel, associate for Migrant Accompaniment Ministries with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, is focused on people on the move.

‘Faith gets lived out in the world’

In turn, the Rev. Rebecca Barnes attended seminary, became a pastor and, in 2017, was named coordinator of the Presbyterian Hunger Program. Growing up with both parents serving as Presbyterian pastors and engaging and fun community activities including CROP Hunger Walks helped steer her toward the significant work she’s been doing for the past seven years.

Leading with a purpose

Although the women of Malawi are accustomed to doing anything and everything from farming to running small-scale businesses to support their families, Tropical Cyclone Freddy sorely tested Tinenenji [tee-nan-an-gee] Kalamba’s resilience. Yet Kalamba was undeterred.

The church as community organizer

Near the end of his time on a recent “Between 2 Pulpits” podcast with the Rev. Dr. John Wilkinson and Katie Snyder, the Rev. Dr. Alonzo Johnson waxed visionary when asked about his hope for the church.

Embodying kindness on the streets of Las Vegas

For Shawn Duncan, it’s the little things — like getting a birthday card — that mean a lot. Perhaps it’s because Duncan, a military veteran living in Las Vegas, hadn’t had a mailbox in years.   Or a home.

The gentle ‘sole’ behind the PC(USA)’s Gracie

It’s no fish tale. When the Rev. Dr. Kathy Dawson was first invited nearly 20 years ago to write a new curriculum around a “little fish” designed to interpret the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) Offering to children, she found herself hooked.