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Board of Pensions names Elizabeth M. Little as church consultant

Charlotte based specialist will serve five presbyteries in N.C.

Press Release | Board of Pensions

BoardOfPensions2PHILADELPHIA – Elizabeth M. Little has been named church consultant for The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) assigned to Charlotte, North Carolina. She joins the board from the Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA), where she was a church support associate.

Little’s appointment brings to 10 the number of church consultants on the board’s church relations team. They are geographically assigned to put the board close to the concerns of churches and other employers, mid councils, and plan members throughout the country. Little’s region encompasses the five presbyteries of North Carolina: Charlotte, New Hope, Salem, Western North Carolina, and Coastal Carolina.

The church relations expansion is part of the Board’s development of a comprehensive strategy of engagement with congregations, mid councils, and the denomination. The board selected the five presbyteries for a pilot project designed to foster supportive relationships among congregations, pastors, and PC(USA) agencies and financed by a Lilly Endowment grant.

Little is well prepared for the position of church consultant, with experience in the hospitality industry as well as with the PC(USA) in coordinating mission work and funds development and in leadership roles at the congregation and presbytery levels. She holds a master’s in Christian education from Union Presbyterian Seminary, Charlotte campus.

After earning a bachelor’s in leisure services and recreation administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Little worked 10 years for Walt Disney World Resorts in management positions and then seven years in management roles at upscale hotel and resort corporations.

In the last decade, Little has held various church-related posts. In addition to the most recent, with PMA, she was global outreach director for Myers Park Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, and volunteer village coordinator, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (Gulf Coast). She was assistant to the presidential search committee at Princeton Theological Seminary in 2012.

Little is a ruling elder at First Presbyterian Church in Charlotte and serves on the committee on preparation for ministry in the Presbytery of Charlotte. She is a mentor for the communities of learning program at Union Presbyterian Seminary.


About the Board of Pensions

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is a connectional church. The Board of Pensions, one of six agencies of the General Assembly of the PC(USA), fulfills a unique role in the community by upholding the commitment made by congregations to care for installed pastors and by providing ways for churches and other Presbyterian-affiliated employers to care for other teaching elders and other employees. The board administers the church benefits plan, serving about 20,200 pensioners and survivors, 13,600 active plan members, 20,900 dependents, and 8,500 inactive members (those with vested pension credits who are not actively participating in the plan).

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