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Theology and Worship

Samuel Robinson

  New for 2024—No essay required! The Samuel Robinson Award is offered to college juniors and seniors attending a Presbyterian-related college or university. Students must memorize the 107 questions and… Read more »

Theological Conversations

  Spanish Korean   Presbyterians have always been a people of theological conversation.  We have built it into our polity, gathering in councils to take counsel with one another.  We… Read more »

Interfaith Relations

  Building strong interfaith relationships is a core commitment for Presbyterians. Jesus crossed all kinds of religious and cultural boundaries to build relationships of trust and love. We strive to… Read more »

Financial Aid for Service

  Webinars With PeopleJoy Student Loan 101 For church workers, staff serving PCUSA related institutions, and students in preparation for ministry. Learn about managing educational debt and maintaining your student… Read more »

Interfaith toolkit

Interfaith toolkit

Zainab Ampatuan and Peggy Thomas develop a friendship. Photo by David P. Young

Interfaith toolkit

Engage your neighbors

This kit contains a variety of resources to help as you engage with neighbors of faiths other than your own, or prepare to do so. It contains “how to do it” sorts of pieces, examples of what others have done as well as more reflective materials on interfaith relationship as an integral part of being faithful followers of Jesus Christ.