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The Church…Then…Now…Beyond

Pre/Post Conference Information

Pre-Conference: The Open Table Kansas City

Come experience a dinner church gathering of one of Kansas City’s own NWCs, The Open Table. Meet with leaders beforehand to learn how they came to be, and participate in worship, conversation, and communion as you nourish your whole person. Learn more about The Open Table.

When: Sunday, Oct. 13th, from 6:30-8:00 PM

Where: Second Presbyterian Church in Kansas City, MO

Cost: Suggested donation of $10 per person at the church

Limited to 25 participants 

Childcare will be available for children ages 0-5 (provided by The Open Table – kids eat together with adults, and then are invited to go with two childcare workers to play or remain with us for the rest of the gathering).

Hosted by The Open Table.

Pre-Conference: Contemplative Renewal Retreat

Need a break? Come a day early to Kansas City and join other NWC leaders for reflection and time to nurture our spiritual wellness as leaders. We’ll meet off site and have breakfast, good coffee, and lunch. Our gathering will include space for silence, good questions, stories, intention-setting, and an optional restorative yoga practice. Enter the conference refreshed and renewed. 

When: Monday, Oct. 14, 2019 from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Where: Second Presbyterian Church

Cost: $30 includes breakfast and lunch

Limited to 25 participants 

 Hosted by: 

  • Sara Hayden, 1001 NWC Staff and Host of New Way Podcast
  • Wendie Brockhaus, Curator of The Open Table, Kansas City

Post-Conference: Stewards of Children Code of Conduct Training (from Darkness to Light)

When: Thursday, Oct. 17 from 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM

Cost: $18 (includes workbook)

During this two-hour training, leaders will be offered the tools to prevent, recognize the signs and react skillfully to child sexual abuse. This is a great opportunity for worshiping communities to establish a Code of Conduct that will not only establish healthy protocol for the church’s ministry activities but will also train your community to be aware and responsive when signs of abuse are observed in the larger community. Child sexual abuse is likely the most prevalent health problem children face, with the most serious array of consequences. In fact, 1 in 10 children will experience sexual abuse before their 18th birthday.

This means that whether you work with youth, are a parent, or are simply a member of a community, it is highly likely that someone you know or care for has experienced, or is currently experiencing, child sexual abuse. It’s going to happen whether you are prepared to deal with it or not – unless you stop it from happening. And the good news, it can be stopped. Equip yourself and your ministry to develop a sustainable and implantable Code of Conduct. Stewards of Children will conduct this training – a nationally-recognized program developed by Darkness to Light. Come and learn or strengthen your practices and then learn how to implement trainings when you return home.

Hosted by Bev Turner of Sunflower House
If you would like to register for this workshop, please email Eva Slayton at

Post-Conference: Anti-Racism & Organizing 101

When: Thursday, Oct. 17 from 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Cost: $30

A divided world requires honest dialogue in order to strengthen and heal, and the church needs leaders who are committed to dismantling injustice from within and without. This 90-minute interactive workshop, led by multiracial trainers, will establish a common working definition of racism, build awareness of how movements are built, and introduce the deeper work of dismantling racism within your own context. 

Hosted by The Open Table KC.
If you would like to register for this workshop, please email Eva Slayton at