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Presbyterians Against Domestic Violence Network

PADVN welcomes those who promote non-violence in all relationships. This network provides advocacy and resources for the prevention of and healing from societal and domestic violence.

PADVN Theological Statement

It is not enemies who taunt me—I could bear that; it is not adversaries who deal Insolently with me—I could hide from them.
But it is you, my equal, my companion, my familiar friend, with whom I kept pleasant Company; we walked in the house of God with the throng. (Psalm 55:12–14)

Violence is contrary to God’s intentions for the world. This reality demands the response of the church in these days of increasing danger to vulnerable peoples—children, youth, women, disabled and the elderly. Interpreting biblical teachings and responding to the leadership of Jesus Christ in our lives calls the church to a pastoral and moral response through an active program of advocacy and resourcing for transformation.

My heart is in anguish within me, the terrors of death have fallen upon me. Fear and trembling come upon me, and horror overwhelms me. And I say, “O that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest …” (Psalm 55:4–6)

Do no wrong or violence … (Jeremiah 22:3a)

O LORD, you hear the desire of the meek; you will strengthen their heart, you will incline your ear to do justice for the orphan and the oppressed, so that those from earth may strike terror no more. (Psalm 10:17–18)

Enabling congregations…

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because God has anointed me to bring good news to the poor, God has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free …(Luke 4:18)

The hope…

God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more for the first things have passed away. (Revelation 21:4)

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

PADVN Annual Congregational Awareness and Worship Resource packets

In every congregation of every faith, victims, survivors and abusers sit in our pews. Some are listening for words of recognition, understanding, comfort and healing, hoping to hear that the church stands with them and wants them to choose life. All need to hear a clear message that violence in our homes is against the will of God. Our silence makes us complicit to the suffering.

Presbyterians Against Domestic Violence Network (PADVN) invites you to make your church a place where the gospel of wholeness is heard and lived out. We offer the following resources to aid you in that journey.

  • Ten Things Your Congregation Can Do About Domestic Violence | Download
  • 2016 Resources:  What Can Your Congregation do? | Download
  • 2015 Resources: Take Back the Night, Clothesline Project, Silent Witness Initiative, Empty Place at the Table | Download
  • 2014 Resources: Breaking the Silence; Introducing Men In The Mirror curriculum | Download
  • 2013 Resources: Stories of Hope and Restoration | Download
  • 2012 Resources: Entering the Brokenness | Download
  • 2011 Resources: Human Trafficking and the Intersect with Domestic Violence | Download
  • 2010 Resources: Parent/Youth Relationships | Download

I Believe You: Faiths’ Response to Intimate Partner Violence

Watch stories of survivors

It has been said that if people of faith do not advocate for justice, we are complicit in the perpetuation of this crisis. I Believe You: Faiths’ Response to Intimate Partner Violence goes a long way to give voice to the stories of survivors, make clear the assistance faith groups can provid and offer encouragement and direction for women trapped in abusive relationships.

View the opening clip and scroll down to find information on purchasing this important resource. Copies are $25 for personal use, $100 for non-profit/faith-based organizations (includes Study Guide), $250 for educational institutions/libraries (includes Study Guide).

I Believe You: Faiths’ Response to Intimate Partner Violence, an extraordinary interfaith documentary that explores the stories of survivors of abuse and the response of faith groups to address their needs, began airing on ABC-affiliated stations in January 2011.

Produced with the support of The New York Board of Rabbis, United Methodist Women, Presbyterian Women, the Presbyterians Against Domestic Violence Network of the Presbyterian Health, Education & Welfare Association (PHEWA), the Presbytery of Detroit and the Evangelical Church in America, Odyssey Networks and a consortium of Muslim organizations, this one-hour program, featuring the music of Janis Ian.

From rural programs such as the Susanna Wesley Family Learning Center in Missouri to urban programs such as First Step in Michigan, from prevention programs such as Healthy Relationships held at Camp Herzl in Wisconsin, to recognition programs like the Mikveh Attendants program in New Jersey, from support groups at Emma’s Place in Minnesota to healing programs at Mayyim Hayyim in Massachusetts, faith groups are exploring ways to support, advocate for and help aid the healing of those who have been harmed by abuse.

The program is filled with the hard won wisdom of survivors and the insight and understanding of clergy and program leaders including:

The Reverend Willard W. C. Ashley, Sr., D. Min., D. H., Director of Field Education, New Brunswick Theological Seminary;
The Rev. Barbara Certa-Werner, executive director, Harbor House;
Antonia Clemente, co-founder and executivedirector, Trinity Healing Center;
Rabbi Mark Dratch, founder, JSAFE;
The Reverend Dr. Marie M. Fortune, founder FaithTrust Institute;
Rabbi Lisa Gelber, associate dean, The Rabbinical School, The Jewish Theological Seminary;
Rabbi Diana Gerson, executive director of Dayenu, Enough Silence!;
Imam Khalid Latif, executive director, The Islamic Center, NYU, and Chaplain, NYPD;
Robina Niaz, founder and executive directorr, The Turning Point- Services for Muslim Women and Families;
Harriett Jane Olson, chief executive officer, United Methodist Women;
Dr. Nancy Nason-Clark, founder, The Rave Project (Religion and Violence E-Learning Project);
The Reverend Diane Smalley, survivor and moderator, Presbyterians Against Domestic Violence/PHEWA;Chair, Domestic Violence Work Group/Social Justice & Peacemaking/Presbytery of Detroit
The Reverend Ann Tiemeyer, program director, Women’s Ministry, National Council of Churches;
Reverend Traci C.  West, Ph.D., author, Wounds of the Spirit: Black Women, Violence, and Racism.

I Believe You: Faiths’ Response to Intimate Partner Violence is made possible in part by the generous support of Odyssey Networks, United Methodist Women, The New York Board of Rabbis, National Council of Churches USA, Presbyterian Women, and ELCA Women”s Ministry and ELCA Justice for Women Program.

  • Domestic violence—the basics | Download
  • Domestic violence tools for pastors and congregational leadership | Download
  • Worship resources | Download
  • Children and domestic violence | Download
  • Domestic violence resources for particular populations (rural battered women, racial ethnic communities, elder abuse) | Download
  • Men stopping violence materials | Download


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