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Hope Made Visible

A Letter from Elmarie and Scott Parker, serving in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon | May 2018

Strong Kids/Strong Emotions

A letter from Elmarie and Scott Parker, serving as Regional Liaison for Syria, Lebanon and Iraq (Elmarie), and as Associate for Ecumenical Partnerships (Scott), based in Lebanon | November 2017

An Enduring Call

A letter from Elmarie and Scott Parker, serving in the Middle East, based in Lebanon | October 2017

Enduring for a Purpose

A letter from Elmarie and Scott Parker serving in the Middle East, based in Lebanon

History in the Making

A letter from Rev. Elmarie Parker, Regional Liaison for Iraq, Syria and Lebanon | March 31, 2017

Light Dawning

Rev. Elmarie Parker | December 2016

The Shape of Hope in Baghdad

A letter from Elmarie Parker serving as regional liaison for Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, and Scott Parker, based in Lebanon