Biotech Cat: Not all that glitters is gold

A cloned Turkish Angola kitten gives off a red fluorescence
glow while an ordinary one appears to be green in this picture taken under ultraviolet light at a laboratory of Gyeongsang National University in Jinju, South Gyeongsang Province, Wednesday. The cloned cat’s genes were modified with a fluorescent protein.

Not only do we have glowing cats, but a company called Nexia has managed to put the gene of a spider into goats. The “spider-goats” produce milk with a silk protein which is so strong and lightweight that the U.S. Army wants to make bullet proof vests out of it. Read more…Spider-goat

Just because you can do it, doesn’t mean you should!

While I can’t prove it, messing with Mother Nature will not go down well in the end. That’s my opinion.

 For a perspective and biblical reflection on biotech food from India, read Rev. Thomas John’s piece on the Global Food Crisis site.  

Genetic engineering in agriculture could be a good thing, but if profit is a primary motivation for its promulgation, the best outcomes may not materialize. Right now, most the research, field trials and production of GMOs are paid for and controlled by a very small number of companies.

The US Working Group on the Food Crisis has posted information about the first joint Department of Justice/USDA workshops ever to be held to discuss competition and regulatory issues in the agriculture industry.The first one is March 12 in Ankeny, Iowa!

The goals of the workshops are to promote dialogue among interested parties and foster learning with respect to the appropriate legal and economic analyses of these issues as well as to listen to and learn from parties with real-world experience in the agricultural sector. Learn more here –

Ending Corporate Concentration in Food and Agriculture–What You Can Do!