Posts Tagged: climate crisis

Presbyterians and Utmost Leadership in Earth’s Climate Crisis

group photo of PEC at Stony Pt Center By James R. Turner, guest writer from Presbyterians for Earth Care Humanity has only another decade left to achieve a decisive shift in our energy regime, so that we do not leave our children an Earth that is ravaged by climate heating. In “Investing in a Green Future: A Vision for a Renewed Creation” the… Read more »

Disaster Capitalism & Food Imperialism in Puerto Rico

ian on finca Scaling Up Agroecology in Puerto Rico By Andrew Kang Bartlett The Presbyterian Hunger Program is eager to support the expansion of agriculture that cools the planet, cares for God’s creation, and prioritizes the needs of producers and eaters. Agroecology is that approach and we are excited about the work of Organización Boricuá de Agricultura Ecológica… Read more »

Faith and your dinner plate

globe and web with climate justice or climate chaos printed on it Food choices help mitigate climate change Originally published in the Presbyterians Today March/April 2019 edition Choosing a protein for a meal is no easy task. Can you afford it? Is it good for you? If you have kids, will they eat it? Then there are the less common and more challenging questions: Was the earth… Read more »