Farm Bill Tuesday: Call Congress TODAY!

The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on the
2007 Farm Bill this week, as early as Thursday.

The Farm Bill passed by the House Agriculture Committee is
not just a continuation of the status quo, but takes our broken food and farm
policy from bad to worse.

your representative today at 1-800-826-3688
and ask them to vote YES ON THE FAIRNESS AMENDMENT.
Or go to
to find out who your representative is and how to contact him or her.


the staff person who answers you are a constituent and you want your
representative to support the Fairness in Farm and Food Policy
You want a Farm Bill that shifts away from trade-distorting
subsidies, caps payments at $250,000, and uses the savings to support rural
development, help minority and socially disadvantaged farmers, the environment,
and families that depend on food stamps.

With your help we can change our food and farm policy to
improve the lives of thousands, both in the United States and around the world.
