Posts Categorized: Funding

Inflation Reduction Act for Churches

Ronald Newman Zoom screen grab Senior Advisor at the U.S. Department of Treasury for Inflation Reduction Act Implementation, Ronald Newman, recently addressed the 226th General Assembly’s Environmental and Climate Justice Committee. ( Learn more about the Inflation Reduction Act here.)  The Committee then chose to share 10 minutes with Newman for their report to the whole assembly. That presentation can be… Read more »

Presbyterian Tree Fund Awards Grants

To live out the Matthew 25 vision , we have to build people power through genuine relationships, sharing financial and other resources with communities most impacted by poverty and racism, and supporting our congregations as they connect and stand with their communities. One way we are able to do that is through the Presbyterian Tree… Read more »

Join us for Giving Tuesday!

The work of the Compassion, Peace and Justice ministries will be among those highlighted during #GivingTuesday, a 12-hour virtual celebration of the collective power of Presbyterian generosity. CPJ ministries engage with Presbyterians and partners in the United States and across the globe to end poverty and hunger, restore communities impacted by disaster, promote peace and transform cultures… Read more »

Financial Resources for Converting to Renewable Energy

Are you interested in what financial resources are available for doing energy efficiency or renewable energy at your church? There are a few options you might be interested to know.   Through the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program (PILP), an endowment loan is made possible by the generosity of faithful Presbyterians who give a portion… Read more »