Posts Categorized: Food and Hunger

Gaza’s worsening humanitarian crisis

God’s gifts of food and water are used as weapons of war in Palestine By Andrew Kang Bartlett | Presbyterian Hunger Program ‘How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a sibling in need and yet refuses help? Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but… Read more »

Join us for Giving Tuesday!

The work of the Compassion, Peace and Justice ministries will be among those highlighted during #GivingTuesday, a 12-hour virtual celebration of the collective power of Presbyterian generosity. CPJ ministries engage with Presbyterians and partners in the United States and across the globe to end poverty and hunger, restore communities impacted by disaster, promote peace and transform cultures… Read more »

PHP at Work Around the World

Check out our new 3 minute video introduction to the work of the Presbyterian Hunger Program in the United States and around the world. The work of the Presbyterian Hunger Program is possible thanks to your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing.

Spring 2020 PHP Post

PHP Post Centerfold image   The newest issue of The PHP Post is now available. Find a bilingual prayer for Earth Day and learn more about the National Hunger Concerns work of the Presbyterian Hunger Program by downloading The PHP Post  here. The work of the Presbyterian Hunger Program is possible thanks to your gifts to One Great Hour… Read more »

Food Banks are Supporting Communities in COVID-19

In return, let us support food banks!   By Rebecca Barnes, PHP Coordinator Food is a basic necessity of survival. While in “normal” times food insecurity is a gross problem in the United States, we are now seeing huge surges in the numbers of people waiting in long lines at food distribution sites as COVID-19… Read more »

Responding Faithfully In A Pandemic

The current state of the world is new territory for many of us. As we respond to help slow the spread of COVID-19,  routine daily movements are grinding to a halt. Shelves stand empty inside many stores and most restaurant owners have posted ‘Closed’ signs. Many people are worried about having enough to get through… Read more »

Food Week of Action and World Food Day!

The Food Week of Action – Sunday Oct. 12 through Sunday Oct. 19 – includes World Food Day (October 16) as well as the International Day for Rural Women (October 15) and the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (October 17). Daily actions are provided below, and see the Food Week of Action page… Read more »

Food Stamps and the Environment?

I’ve been writing all week about the more obvious aspects of my experience this week as part of the Food Stamp Challenge. Yet, this, as you know, is the Eco-Justice Journey blog. In my corner of the Presbyterian Hunger Program, I work to connect, equip and inspire individual Presbyterians and congregations to ministry opportunities to… Read more »

The Advent of Hunger?

This afternoon I was talking with colleagues about our children, in relation to feeding them on a Food Stamp Challenge budget. Some of our parental thoughts: What if they don’t like the food? What if they don’t eat the food? What if they ask for seconds? What if they’re embarrassed by what they bring in… Read more »

Serving up Privilege

Okay, let’s be honest. Making it to half-way point, I admit some relief as I notice we still have enough basic supplies and I know basically what to make for the next few nights’ dinner. This is crazy, though, right? Because my half-way point of one tiny week of life within a restrictive food budget,… Read more »