Posts Categorized: Coal Mining

Living Downstream

Earlier this week I mentioned one of the presentations that inspired me at Ecumenical Advocacy Days. I also wanted to highlight the documentary Living Downstream, which was shown as a part of the Eco-Justice Track at the conference. Watch the…

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Celebrate Protection of God’s Creation

The National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program sent the following action alert on mountaintop removal. Learn more about the EPA action on Eco-Journey. Join us in saying “Thank You” to the EPA for saying “no” to the devastation that Mountaintop…

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Protecting God’s Creation: Two Joys

There are two recent victories for protection of God’s Creation that I’d like to share with you. On January 13, 2011, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announcedthat it has vetoed West Virginia’s largest single mountaintop removal mining permit. The…

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Mountaintop Removal as an Issue of Faith

Silas House and Jason Howard, two Kentucky authors, have written a new book entitled Something’s Rising: Appalachians Fighting Mountaintop Removal. The book includes twelve oral histories of Appalachian residents whose lives have been directly affected by mountaintop removal. House and…

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Say No to Coal Ash in Your Drinking Water

The National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program sent the following action alert: Families in Eastern Tennessee received an early unwanted Christmas present in 2008. Their homes were filled with coal ash, which contains hazardous pollutants such as lead, mercury, arsenic,…

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Public Hearing on Coal Ash

Coal ash at the Cane Run Power Plant in Louisville, KY The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is holding public hearings and taking public comment on proposed changes to the way that coal ash (the leftover waste when coal is burned)…

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Protect Communities from Coal Ash

Ask the EPA to protect communities from coal ash Even after coal is burned in power plants, its waste still affects communities. Coal combustion waste, or coal ash, is what is left over after coal is burned. Coal ash can…

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Two Upcoming Earth Care Events

Are you looking for a way to be involved in a movement to care for creation, create a just society, and speak out against the injustices of mountaintop removal? “The Cross in the Mountains: An Ecumenical Prayer Service to Renew…

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Mountaintop Removal Mining Education and Mobilization

Appalachia Rising is a mobilization to end mountaintop removal mining. The event will take place September 25-27 in Washington D.C. A conference “Voices from the Mountains,” will take place on September 25-26. This will be a time of education and…

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Deep Down Explores Mountaintop Removal

Mountaintop removal coal mining not only affects the mountains; it affects communities and relationships in them. This was the resounding message that I took from Deep Down: A Story from the Heart of Coal Country, a documentary by Jen Gilomen…

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