Send a Valentine Asking for Chemical Policy Reform

 I received the following action alert from Chloe Schwabe, the Health Program Manager with the National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program.  Take a minute this Valentine's Day to ask your Congressional leaders for chemical policy reform. 

MP900341550[1] Cancer, learning disabilities, and reproductive harm are big things. As you unwrap your little Valentine’s Day candies, consider a new study that showed some food wrappers and packaging materials such as chip bags, food cans, and cardboard cracker boxes are leaching  several chemicals linked to these big health concerns. 

In Matthew, Jesus highlights the greatest commandments as loving God with all your heart and loving your neighbor as yourself. As people of faith, we find God in Creation and in the faces of our sisters and brothers. We can honor these commandments by protecting the health of Creation and the most vulnerable this St. Valentine's Day and every day.

Help ensure that the chemicals used in consumer goods are safe for your health, the health of the most vulnerable, and God’s Creation. Send a valentine to your leaders in Congress asking for chemical policy reform.

Unfortunately, chemicals in food packaging are only the latest source of exposure. We are exposed to chemicals in fragrances and other personal care products, cleaning products, electronics, and other items in our homes and houses of worship. Almost all of the 84,000 industrial chemicals, of which some end up in  consumer products, are untested due to the outdated and broken 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

Send a valentine to your leaders in Congress to remind them of the greatest commandment. Ask your member to demonstrate this commandment with real chemical policy reform.

Happy Valentine's Day on behalf the NCC Eco-Justice Program. We love supporters like you!

Chloe Schwabe
NCC Environmental Health Program Manager

PS: If you want to read about the study and find a link to it, check out the blog post I wrote about it last week.


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