Earth Day and Earth Day Sunday

How do you plan to celebrate Earth Day 2018?

Some congregations may have already hosted an Earth Day Sunday or community Earth Fest while others are still planning their environmental film series, earth care lectures, or outdoor experiences.

We hope you have seen two new resources to help you celebrate:

Earth Day Sunday “A Sense of Place” resource, developed ecumenically with Creation Justice Ministries. Download your copy of the resource here: Earth Day Sunday 2018 PCUSA version

Earth Day Sunday 2018 “Sense of Place”

PHP Post “Earth Day” spring issue, including an Earth Care Congregation centerpiece. Download the spring PHP Post and ECC poster here.

Earth Care Congregations poster


2 Responses to “Earth Day and Earth Day Sunday”

  1. Barbara MacCameron

    Remember to focus less on original sin and more on original blessing: air, water and soil. Without them there would be no life. They represent grace. Preserve them and increase their availability to those who are without adequate clean air and water. This is what matters, not the promise of some after life, but the life we’ve been given.

  2. Barbara MacCameron

    Original blessing: clean air, water and soil. Not to be compromised, not to be exclusively consumed.


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