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Women & Children

E862706 AIDS Crisis Overseas

Gifts support church and community-based programs that address poverty, behavior and other root causes of AIDS transmission. Programs include skills training, education, income-generating activities and behavior formation and change. A… Read more »

E867157 Korean-American Ministries

To develop and implement a comprehensive Korean Church growth strategy and to hold evangelism training events for Korean-American constituency in their special cultural and language context are two of the… Read more »

DR000165 US Wildfires

This designated account supplements the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering to enable a significant response for US wildfires.  Your faithful giving is deeply appreciated. (DR000165)

E049991 Women’s Ministries

This fund supports Presbyterian college women, women of color, clergywomen and other women with opportunities for leadership development, spiritual development, and mission opportunities in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Women are… Read more »

H000014 – Haiti

Gifts to this account will help fund long-term sustainable agriculture initiatives and small business development in Haiti. (H000014)

E047988 – CCAP-Livingstonia Synod, General Support

The Synod of Livingstonia, Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, continues to develop a wide variety of community-based, income generating, and self-help projects that support women, youth, and development ministries. Farming… Read more »