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Canoes at Mt. Rainer National Park



Program Partner

Glacier Presbytery

Program Description

The Hi-Line YAV program is home to a unique ecumenical ministry in rural north-central Montana between the Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Alliance, and Assembly of God congregations. While enjoying the beautiful landscape of “Big Sky Country” and cheering on the town-favorite mascot “the Sugarbeeters”, Chinook YAVs will have the opportunity to live and work in a supportive community while participating in leadership and pastoral care type placements with children, youth, and older adults.

The mission of the Hi-Line YAV site is “to make known God’s love in our community as we equip future leaders for Christ’s church and God’s world”. YAVs will gain skills in fostering relationships with and proclaiming the good news of the gospel through community outreach; YAVs will also experience first-hand the gifts and challenges of rural ministry!

Placement opportunities center both on the gifts of the YAV and the needs of the community. YAVs will build relationships through tutoring at the elementary school, mentoring at the community youth group, and visiting older adults at the nursing home and senior center. YAVs will also explore issues of justice and poverty through the community food pantry and the summer lunch & activities program. YAVs will nurture their faith through engaging with local congregations, attending retreats, participating in & leading worship, and attending in bible studies.

Like us on Facebook at Hi-Line Young Adult Volunteer (YAV)!

Site Coordinator

Jack Mattingly

How do I apply?

LEARN MORE by selecting an option from the green bar above! Details on Intentional Community Living, YAV Blogs, Placement Opportunities & Requirements can be found.

Intentional Community Living

YAVs are housed with local families. Intentional community is experienced through regular community days as well as retreats. There are also bi-monthly one-on-ones with the site-coordinator. YAVs also participate in Glacier Presbytery retreats.

Due to the population of Chinook, intentional community is experienced between the YAVs serving with one another and also with the entire town. This is one of the most celebrated aspects of our site, where YAVs are able to live out the joys and challenges, and experience the growth, stemming from the hospitality and welcome of Chinook, Montana.

Young Adult Volunteers (YAV) is a service and leadership development program through the World Mission division of the PC(USA). Young adults serve for one year in the U.S. or internationally, in areas such as fair trade or environmental issues, and have the opportunity to experience Christianity in a new culture. YAVs are between ages 19 and 30. Check out the YAV program blog here. 

Kara, Colombia


Emily Osborn
Sophie Schreiber


Lauren LaMonica
Lacy Schimmel

Placement Opportunities

YAVs work in one or more of the following areas:

  • Chinook Senior Center
  • Grande Villa Senior Housing
  • Sweet Nursing Home
  • Chinook Public Schools—Meadowlark Elementary School (K-6) and Chinook High School (grades 7-12)
  • Funshine Preschool
  • Loaves and Fishes, summer lunch and activities program
  • JUMP and LEAP—ecumenical youth groups for elementary through high school students
  • Chinook Food Pantry
  • My Neighbor In Need—community outreach


Volunteers share housing with other Young Adult Volunteers in Asheville. Costs, chores, meal preparation and other aspects of communal living are negotiated within the group, with guidance from experienced mentors in intentional community living.


Age: 20-30


  • Cooperative
  • Dependable
  • Flexible
  • Mature
  • Adaptable
  • Ability to work both independently and as a team member