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A strategy for raising awareness — and funds — for the fight against hunger

Cents-Ability logo

Cents-Ability is one way that families, congregations, and presbyteries can support the battle against hunger and poverty. Every member is invited to contribute a few cents at every meal. Funds are then used to support local hunger ministries, as well as national and international projects through the Presbyterian Hunger Program.

Cents-Ability Guide
Information on how to initiation and implement a Cents-Ability program, worship resources, and promotional ideas. Includes ideas for congregations, families, youth, and children who want to help fight hunger. Download the guide (39 pages)  

Brochure – beginning steps and ongoing activities for presbyteries & congregations

Poster – to help promote Cents-Ability, with space for your specific program or event information. Free from the Church Store online or by calling (800) 524-2612. PDS#74360-01-326

Table Tents – hunger-related prayers to use at church, presbytery, or family meals (prints 2 per page on letter-sized card stock)

Permission is granted to print copies of Cents-Ability materials as needed. Contact PHP if you would like to receive printable labels to create Cents-Ability collection containers (or the logo to design your own), additional Hymns by Noelle Damico, or a copy of the children’s “Sharing is Caring” calendar.

Contact Information
800-728-7228, x5832