Advent Devotional: First Week of Advent, Saturday, December 8


“Wondrous Star of Night” by Andrew Weatherly

A lesson in humility

… clothe yourselves with humility … —1 Peter 5:5

On a trip to Mexico, I joined a local pastor, his wife and their four children for lunch. Their home was little more than a shanty; no water or electricity, situated along the Colorado River canal, its water highly polluted from northern industrial waste.

The man’s sons asked me to swim with them. Gulp! I agreed, but carefully kept my lips sealed that I was not the best swimmer. After swimming a bit, I scrambled up the embankment, realizing that I had drifted. My sandals were far away. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my leg. I looked down to find my fellow pastor kneeling in the dirt, a towel and my sandals in his hands. He began to dry my feet. I resisted at first, but then let him continue.

I will never forget the feel of his touch, the love in his smile or our arms around each other’s shoulders as we walked from that place. — KVT

How can you show your love this Advent season through a simple act of love?

O God, clothe us with humility so that others will see Christ in us. Amen.