Posts Tagged: un secretary-general

29 May – International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers

“United Nations peacekeeping is modernizing to ensure that it can tackle tomorrow’s peace and security challenges. It is deploying new technologies such as unarmed, unmanned aerial vehicles, refining its practices to better protect civilians, and boosting the representation of women among its ranks while strengthening its partnerships with regional organizations. The United Nations is improving… Read more »

Opposing violence against women – a prayer

This prayer of the day for International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women was composed by The Rev. Sarah Henkel and offered at the White Plains Presbyterian Church. It originally appeared on Pastor Jeff’s Blog. It is reprinted here with permission and in the hope that others will use or adapt the prayer… Read more »

The United Nations, Israel and Palestine – Palestine at the United Nations, September 2011

Presbyterian Policy Since 1948 General Assemblies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and its predecessor denominations have repeatedly addressed the Middle East and particularly Israel and Palestine. The Presbyterian position has consistently been to affirm the right of Israel to exist as a sovereign state within secure, internationally recognized borders and the right of the Palestinians… Read more »

The beginning

The official results of the referendum in Southern Sudan have been announced. The results are an overwhelming – nearly 99% in favor of secession and the creation of a new country. The referendum is recognized as having been successful and…

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