Posts Tagged: terrorism

Security Council Press Statement on terrorist attack on French newspaper

The Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations issued a letter expressing our prayer and condolences to Ambassador Delattre. The Security Council issued the following press statement regarding today’s attack in France: The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the barbaric and cowardly terrorist attack against the headquarters of French newspaper Charlie Hebdo,… Read more »

Countdown to Zero

Check out Countdown to Zero – a new film that traces the history of the atomic bomb from its origins to the present state of global affairs: nine nations possess nuclear weapons capabilities with others racing to join them, with…

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Reduce nuclear weapons, hunger and poverty

With one email, letter, phone call, or visit, you can call for a step that would help reduce nuclear weapons, hunger and poverty. Urge your representative to support H Res 278. It is especially important to contact members serving on…

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