Posts Tagged: prime minister netanyahu

Tell Secretary Clinton to say “no” to legalizing settlements

From our colleagues in the Office of Public Witness: An Israeli Commission wants to make all settlements and outposts legal under Israeli Law. Your action is needed to make sure U.S. opposition is strong and bold. On Monday the U.S. State Department came out against the Levy Committee Report which, among other things, states there… Read more »

Seek peace in the Middle East

President Obama’s visit to Cairo and Prime Minister Netanyahu’s visit to Washington have again focused the attention of the world on the Middle East. Churches for Middle East Peace offer the opportunity to sign an ecumenical letter to President Obama…

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Support U.S. action on Middle East peace

Churches for a Middle East Peace invites us to send an email to President Obama. Let him know that American Christians support robust U.S. diplomacy to establish a viable Palestinian state alongside Israel and foster a more peaceful and secure…

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