Countdown to Zero A review by Nancy Eng MacNeill I have always loved the phrase, “time goes by so fast.” Countdown to Zero, has reminded me that I have lived my whole life under the threat that all living things…
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START in Danger as Senate Delays
(Based on an alert from the Friends Committee on National Legislation and used with permission.) Please contact your Senators and urge them to support START. Recent events have increased concerns that the Senate may fail to ratify this important treaty…
Read more »Countdown to Zero clips
Find some clips from the new film Countdown to Zero. Use the clips for discussions starters or as previews for the film if it is showing in your area. The film’s Web site offers the following description: The Countdown To…
Read more »International Day of Action for a Nuclear Free World
Sorry for the short notice. Celebrate May 2 as the International Day of Action for a Nuclear Free World. Take part in events in New York OR Observe the day in your home town. Here are some resources to help…
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