Posts Tagged: columbia theological seminary

An undergrad’s thoughts on a Doctor of Ministry class

by Catherine Warren It was a beautiful coincidence that my second week interning for the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations was spent with a doctor of ministry class from Columbia Theological Seminary in my hometown of Decatur, Georgia. As a child I had babysitters that were in seminary, as well as youth ministers, as… Read more »

#CTSatUN comes to a close

by Catherine WarrenOver the past two weeks, the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations hosted a class from Columbia Theological Seminary (Decatur, GA). The class explored the topic of Israel and Palestine through many different lenses. We left off last Wednesday with what was going on in the class. Last Thursday the class heard from… Read more »

#CTSatUN visits the UN

Yesterday’s class for #CTSatUN involved a visit to the United Nations.


By Catherine Warren This week the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations began hosting a two week seminar in conjunction with Columbia Theological Seminary (Decatur, GA). The class titled, “Israel, Palestine and the Future of the Middle East” is taught by Mark Douglas, professor at CTS, and our director Mark Koenig. In the first three… Read more »

Conversation about caring for creation

Congregations care for creation in a variety of ways: RecyclingCommunity Supported Agriculture projectsWorshipBible StudyEnergy AuditsInsulationGeo-thermal energy Participants gathered for a conversation at the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations identified these and other ways that congregations and faith communities can care faithfully for God’s creation of which we are a part. Representatives of five congregations… Read more »

The earth is God’s

What if rather than looking at the environments as a subject for study, we took the environment as a lens or a filter through which we viewed the other issues we face? That question lies at the heart of the January Term Doctor of Ministry class that began on Monday, January 9 and will run… Read more »

Environment and Ecumene – A January Term D. Min. Class

Environment and EcumeneA Doctor of Ministry Course at the United Nations, New York CityPresbyterian Ministry at the United Nations and Columbia Theological SeminaryJanuary 9-20, 2012 Every two years, the Presbyterian United Nations Office and Columbia Theological Seminary partner to hold a Doctor of Ministry Course on a topic of importance for the world and faith… Read more »

Living as global disciples – adult education class

The people kept coming and more and more chairs were brought into the room. On Sunday, January 23, I had the privilege to lead an adult class at Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church.We gathered at 12:30, after worship in the Corning…

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Shared worship under the tent

Participants in the Presbyterian Peacemaking Conference at the Big Tent took part in three joint worship services. Opening worship on Thursday evening featured the Rev. Anna Carter Florence, homiletics professor at Columbia Theological Seminary, as the preacher. Reflecting on the…

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