Now available for free download: Lent Bible Studies from Words Matter! Perfect for individual or group use, this guide follows the Lectionary for this year, providing personal reflections and Biblical analysis to provoke deeper insight into the words we use….
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The Biblical Witness to Peacemaking
The Biblical Witness to Peacemaking, 2010-2011 is a daily lectionary bearing witness to God’s gift of peace and Christ’s call to peacemaking. Peacemaking is a central declaration of the gospel. Though Jesus Christ, God grants us the gift of grace….
Read more »Abraham Journeyed to a Far Country
“Abraham Journeyed to a Far Country” is a new hymn by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette that focuses on issues related to immigration. Find the hymn with the music (thanks to David Gambrell). The hymn notes say: Throughout the Bible, we see…
Read more »Women for peace
In its strategy to serve the church and help build up women’s ministry in the church, and also in response to the need of the church in Iraq, the Near East School of Theology held its third event with Presbyterians…
Read more »The people refuse to give up hope
On Maundy Thursday (April 1), participants in the evaluation of the Colombia Accompaniment Program visited Via Blanca outside Galapa. The following reflection was written about the event. This morning we visited a rural displaced community of people who are farming…
Read more »Living into the Mission Statement
“The Theology of Diversity” is a recent article by the Presbyterian News Service on a series of three workshops recently led at Menaul School by the Rev. Eric Law, executive director of the Kaleidoscope Institute. The workshops were funded by…
Read more »Pray for peace
Prayers on Spiritual Nurture for Peacemakers this week include a prayer of confession for Men of the Church Sunday and a prayer for seeing God in one another. The page includes a daily lectionary drawn from the Biblical Witness to…
Read more »Pray for Peace
Each week, the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program posts prayers for peace on the Spiritual Nurture for Peacemakers. This week’s prayers focus on Sudan and our elected officials. The page also includes a daily lectionary of Bible readings that explore the richness…
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