Posts Categorized: Presbyterian Women

Breaking Cycles of Poverty through Education

An emphasis on education, and on free public education, has been a hallmark of churches that stand in the Reformed tradition since the days of John Calvin. The Presbyterian parallel event at the 60th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women focused on the role of education in breaking cycles of… Read more »

March for peace and justice

Support the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations and CARE Attending the Presbyterian Women’s Churchwide Gathering in Minneapolis? Join Mark Koenig, director of the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations, in the PW March for Justice and Peace on Saturday, June 20, 2015, in Minneapolis. The march will be held from 5 to 6 pm. Your generous gifts… Read more »

From Beijing to Now

The Reverend Dr. Bebb Stone reflects on her time as a Presbyterian participant in the Beijing Conference and as a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) delegate to this year’s Commission on the Status of Women: As a Presbyterian woman who went with our church to Beijing in 1995, I have been deeply touched to be with the… Read more »

March for justice for women

In commemoration of the 20-year anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, Presbyterian participants in the 59th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women will join the march for gender equality on International Women’s Day! Please join us and our partners, the City of New York, the UN Women for… Read more »

Equipping Presbyterian Women to engage with public issues

by Richard Aylor On Saturday November 8, I visited the Presbyterian Women of Monmouth at Brick Presbyterian Church in Brick, New Jersey. For the first part of my presentation, we did advocacy training, and had great conversations about ways to get involved in the community politically. We also talked about our calling as Disciples of… Read more »

Presbyterian Women celebrate UN Day in the Presbytery of Monmouth

O God, who formed creation and made each living thing,We’ve seen the devastation that war and conflict bring.We long to stop the violence and end the scourge of war;We yearn for peace and justice, now and forevermore. O God Who Formed Creation by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette On Saturday, October 20, the Presbyterian Women of the… Read more »