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young adult volunteers

Young Adult Volunteer learning how SDOP lifts up minority voices

As a Young Adult Volunteer serving in New York City with a placement in the Self-Development of People ministry, my work is composed of program outreach, grant application workshops and site visits for grassroots organizations seeking funding.

Presbyterian Peacemakers, delegation visit border ministry to collaborate on migration

In October, a PC(USA) delegation that included three international peacemakers from the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program journeyed together to Frontera de Cristo, located in the twin cities of Agua Prieta, Mexico, and Douglas, Arizona, for four days of interconnected collaboration on the dynamics of people on the move.

The PC(USA)’s Young Adult Volunteers learn from a panel of Louisville leaders

As they neared the end of a time of training and team building at the Presbyterian Center and online on Friday, more than two dozen of the class of 2023-24 Young Adult Volunteers got to hear stories of both inspiration and encouragement from a panel of Louisville-based faith leaders and advocates.

The PC(USA)’s Pentecost Offering celebrates its 25th anniversary

When Elizabeth Odom was just a baby, so was the Pentecost Offering. Twenty-five years later, both are thriving. Today, Elizabeth is a social worker and American Sign Language interpreter serving the Deaf community in Greensboro, North Carolina, and the Pentecost Offering helped her get there.

The PC(USA)’s Pentecost Offering gives young people an opportunity to change the world

Everywhere he looked, the Rev. Allen Shelton saw tremendous gaps — gaps that were keeping high school-aged young people of color like Tariq Mayo from succeeding in life. Shelton, a veteran educator, community advocate and pastor, was determined not to watch Tariq — and so many other promising youth — fall through the cracks of an increasingly broken educational system.