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westminster shorter catechism

What now?

Am I still on the right path? Am I spending time on what’s important? Is it steady as she goes, or time for a course correction? These questions may sound familiar. If you find yourself in a changing season, where-is-God-leading-me questions may be showing up in your prayers and wonderings.

Samuel Robinson Award winner memorizes Westminster Shorter Catechism

In the summer of 2020, Lydia Miller was feeling somewhat lonely and isolated. Except for her college experience, for the first time she was living away from home — in Grand Rapids, Michigan, as a print design intern at Our Daily Bread Ministries.

Keeping the Sabbath is simple, but not easy

About 900 Presbyterian college students have gathered at the close of their Christmas break for the 2020 College Conference at Montreat. They’re here to rediscover the importance of keeping the Sabbath.