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united nations day

Minute for Mission: United Nations Day

By the end of World War II, there was a great urgency and need for global peace, and from that the international organization the United Nations was founded. Today we come together to celebrate the creation of the United Nations as the world’s only global organization and the one place where the world’s nations can come together to discuss shared problems and find solutions that bring peace and prosperity that creates a better world and future for all people.

A prayer on United Nations Day

Thursday marks the 74th anniversary of the day that the United Nations Charter came into force. To help Presbyterians mark the occasion, Sue Rheem, mission specialist for international advocacy at the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations, wrote this prayer:

Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations celebrates United Nations Day

Seventy-two years ago today, the newly-formed United Nations approved a charter that has been the foundation of its work ever since. Today marks United Nations Day, an opportunity for the global community to celebrate the work and progress the institution has made. UN member states aren’t the only ones to commemorate the special day.