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Synod of Living Waters

A ‘gem’ of a conference center director to retire on January 31

For diehard fans of acronyms—of which Presbyterians surely have more than their fair share—the Rev. David Gill has mined something of a GEM. Gill, who will retire on January 31 as executive director of Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center, says that throughout his 20-year tenure at the PC(USA)-related camp he has always “looked for things that can be financially self-sustaining for the long haul.”

Synod of Living Waters

Synod of Living Waters

Desmond Tutu has said that the sea is really only drops of water that have come together. Over the years, Living Waters for the World (LWW) has certainly learned the power of coming together in partnership for sustainable water for a generation. LWW, a ministry of the Synod of Living Waters, trains partners to work together in covenant to provide communities with a source of clean water by utilizing a simple, affordable water treatment system. While many people hear about LWW from a news article or a volunteer engaged with the mission, some first come to know about LWW by tasting the water for themselves and seeing a water partnership in action.