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A little anarchy might be good for us

Terry Stokes, who wrote the upcoming book “Jesus and the Abolitionists: How Anarchist Christianity Empowers the People,” said during a recent “A Matter of Faith” podcast that he wrote the book to help people “look at anarchy and grab insights and inspiration for how to reshape our theology and our practice within our communities and our society.”

Going green by going solar

Fifty-three years after its first observance, Earth Day is an annual reminder that what we do to the Earth matters. It matters to humanity, and it matters to God. Being an Earth Care Congregation brings a sense of joy that exudes to anyone you speak to who serves their respective congregation in this capacity.

Author speaks to the value of naming and reclaiming women’s stories from the gospels

In her new book “Blessed are the Women: Naming and Reclaiming Women’s Stories from the Gospels,” the Rev. Claire McKeever-Burgett supplies readers with what could have been the backstory for some of most interesting women in the New Testament, including the Canaanite woman and her daughter, whom Jesus heals after first arguing with the woman.

The PC(USA)’s Acting Stated Clerk shares her thinking on helping congregations and mid councils navigate change

Historically, Presbyterians “are used to being on a bigger stage and having what we say mean something,” the Acting Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the Rev. Bronwen Boswell, said during a recent episode of “A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast.” “We get caught up in that decline thinking rather than saying, ‘What is it we still have? What are the resources we have plenty of, and how do we need to look at the way ministry is going into the future?’”