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rev. lee catoe

Want to push for more justice? The PC(USA)’s Samantha Davis has ways to make that happen

For people and congregations wondering how to get started in their push for justice for people of color, women and the queer community, “A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast” featured the perfect guest last week: Samantha Davis, the associate for Gender, Racial and Intercultural Justice in the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries.

Author and educator Camille Hernandez tells ‘A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast’ how churches can better minister to people who have suffered sexual exploitation and violence

Camille Hernandez, author of the upcoming book “The Hero and the Whore: Reclaiming Healing and Liberation Through the Stories of Sexual Exploitation in the Bible,” said during the most recent edition of “A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast” that “a larger conversation on sexual violence” has been made possible because of the #MeToo movement.

People who are both Presbyterian and Indigenous can find joy and meaning in both worlds

The Rev. Martha Sadongei encourages Native American siblings who follow Christ to blend their faith with their Indigenous practices, and she had a ready story to illustrate just how during last week’s episode of “A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast,” which can be heard here. Sadongei comes in at the two-minute mark.

A Presbyterian musician pushes for bail reform

As the assistant principal violist of the Opera Philadelphia orchestra, Jay Julio uses his “special power” — performing largely for upper middle class white and east Asian audiences — in ways that lift both audiences and, on occasion, people serving time behind bars.