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presbyterian historical society

Presbyterians explore history, implications of Protestant Reformation

Throughout 2017, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Reformed churches worldwide have been commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, celebrating the day in late October 1517 when Martin Luther unknowingly spurred a radical movement by posting his 95 theses at the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.

A taste of the past

The Presbyterian Historical Society (PHS) recently held its first outdoor fundraiser, welcoming more than 200 friends, visitors and volunteers to its newly renovated courtyard in Philadelphia’s Society Hill neighborhood.

Minute for Mission from the Presbyterian Historical Society

When the 110,000 American citizens and immigrants of Japanese descent living on the West Coast were taken without due process into ten “Relocation Camps” by the federal government in the first year of the US’ involvement in World War II, they set about immediately organizing places of worship through which to seek solace and strength.