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PC(USA) joins other denominations calling for an end to violence in Gaza

Saying Palestinians have a right to demonstrate peacefully and with dignity in their decades-long conflict with Israel, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has joined 14 other Christian denominations and organizations in a joint statement, calling for an end to violence in the region.

Minute for Mission: Holocaust Remembrance Day

We remember the Holocaust more than 70 years after that horror. International Holocaust Remembrance Day commemorates the Warsaw ghetto uprising, when Jewish people put up the single largest resistance of World War II as German troops entered the ghetto to deport the last of the inhabitants.

Comfort women: The human face of war in Korea

War has a human face. Every shadow, every line, every wrinkle is part of the story. A PC(USA) peace delegation visited the War & Women’s Human Rights Museum during their recent visit to South Korea.

Presbyterian Church in Cameroon appeals for peace, dialogue

The Rt. Rev. Fonki Samuel Forba, moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC), recently issued a statement urging peace and dialogue in response to ongoing persecution and marginalization of the country’s Anglophone population. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is an ecumenical partner of the PCC and has previously engaged in advocacy on the church’s behalf.

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship and Fossil Free PC(USA) announce partnership

Two strong voices in environmental justice and peacemaking have decided to come together in an effort to strengthen their work. Presbyterian Peace Fellowship (PPF) and Fossil Free PC(USA) have announced a formal partnership in which FFPPCUSA will operate as a project within PPF.

Playing together in God’s kingdom

Dear mother wearing the hijab in the children’s museum: As-salamu alaykum. Peace be upon you. When I have traveled to distant lands, hearing just one word in my cradle language has felt like having a familiar coat wrapped around me. So I speak peace to you.

Call to prayer for public accountability and good governance in South Africa

The South African Council of Churches (SACC) has joined with other civil society organizations across the country to call for the resignation of South African President Jacob Zuma. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) recognizes the bold and prophetic witness of South African church leaders and encourages Presbyterians to pray fervantly for peace, public accountability, and good governance in South Africa and around the world.