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parable of the prodigal son

Presbyterians Today columnist suggests we open our eyes to the poor

Which Harry Potter character are you? Which famous clown are you? Which “Friends” character are you? Quizzes like this abound on the internet, claiming to tell us who we identify with most in pop culture. And they’re not just on the internet. I remember a rogue questionnaire — “Which Princeton Theological Seminary professor are you?” — that a couple of seniors with too much time on their hands wrote.

‘Just because you don’t see it in the news doesn’t mean it’s not happening’

While the misery and devastation millions of Ukrainians are facing currently dominate the headlines, broadcasts and many podcasts, the Rev. Edwin González-Castillo, who coordinates Presbyterian Disaster Assistance response in Latin America and the Caribbean, continues to see the long-term effects of natural disasters and the spike in refugees that’s resulted.