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Matthew 25 webinar

Registration for a PC(USA) Matthew 25 online workshop now open

The final in a series of four 2023 Matthew 25 online workshops working toward eradicating systemic poverty will be held beginning at noon Eastern Time on Monday, Oct. 30. Individuals and congregations involved in working with communities in the U.S. and overseas on hunger issues can register to attend here.

An online Matthew 25 gathering on eradicating systemic poverty draws a crowd of more than 150

Why are people poor in your area? How has poverty touched your life? Your community? Your faith community? More than 150 people joined a recent Matthew 25 webinar on eradicating systemic poverty, which organizers called “Where Does Jesus Stand? Exploring Five Spiritual Practices to End Poverty.” The webinar explored these and more questions and invited participants to mull them further in small groups near the end of their time together.