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matthew 25 movement

Raising the roof — and the rest of the house as well — is one way New Castle Presbytery is responding to the Matthew 25 call

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has affirmed since 2016 a commitment to mission and ministry as guided by Matthew 25. That commitment, to building vital congregations, dismantling structural racism, and eradicating systemic poverty, is meant to move us into deeper understandings of who we are called to be as followers of Jesus Christ and how we are called to love our neighbors.

‘A call to imagine the change we want to see’

Flautist, futurist, bandleader and composer Nicole Mitchell Gantt joined the Rev. Jermaine Ross-Allam Wednesday for the second installment of the Matthew 25 series, “Imagining a Future Beyond Systemic Poverty and Structural Racism.”

Embodying kindness on the streets of Las Vegas

For Shawn Duncan, it’s the little things — like getting a birthday card — that mean a lot. Perhaps it’s because Duncan, a military veteran living in Las Vegas, hadn’t had a mailbox in years.   Or a home.