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신앙 지키기: 인종에 관한 신성한 대화

세인트 루이스—올해의 빅 텐트 모임과 내년 총회 장소인 세인트 루이스에서 제작된 신앙지키기Keeping Faith의 2017년 8월호를 이제 시청 및 다운로드 할 수 있다.

빅텐트 실시간 총회 예배 통역 제공

루이빌 – 미국장로교 (Presbyterian Church) Big Tent 행사에서 처음으로 본회의 및 예배의 일부로 번역 서비스가 제공된다. 교회 전체 모임은 7월 6일부터 8일까지 세인트루이스의 워싱턴대학 캠퍼스에서 진행된다.

Big Tent to offer real-time plenary and worship service translation

For the first time ever, translation services are being offered as part of the plenary session and worship services at the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Big Tent event. The churchwide gathering is July 6-8, 2017 on the campus of Washington University in St. Louis.

Korean ‘feminist evangelist’ crosses the Pacific to find answers

Min-Hee Kim was one of 12 young women sponsored by the Racial Ethnic & Women’s Ministries Young Women’s Leadership program who participated in the United Nations’ 61st CSW. Each year the ministry provides scholarships to young Presbyterian women from around the world to attend the event.

Diverse workshop offerings inspire, inform evangelism conference-goers

From “Navigating Change” to “Sustaining Spiritual Vitality,” attendees at the Go Disciple Live “Be the Light” Conference chose from a wealth of nearly 30 workshop topics toward building their skills in authentic evangelism, storytelling, social media, effective church transformation, justice, church planting, and more.

Grace Kim, a ‘light of the church,’ celebrates retirement

The Rev. Grace Choon Kim, who has served the PC(USA) for some 34 years—over 25 of those as associate for Korean Curriculum and Resource Development for the Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA)—was celebrated at a retirement party here on June 22 by her friends, family, and ministry colleagues who are in Portland for the 222nd General Assembly (2016).