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joseph russ

New PC(USA) mission network begins work in earnest

Following up on their historical meeting in March, which brought together a large group of diverse church partners and groups, the Mesoamerica Mission Network (La Red de Misión y Migración en Mesoamérica), previously referred to as the Central America Mission Network, now turns its attention to the day-to-day work required for building an intercultural solidarity network around migration issues and justice.

An oasis of peace on the migration trail

As a fundamental pillar of our Christian experience and testimony, justice is inseparable from peace and a fulfilling life for every human being as proclaimed by the good news of the Kingdom of God. Currently, there is a grave deficit of both justice and peace in many countries around the world, particularly in Central America.

New World Mission appointment fulfills a General Assembly mandate

Joseph Russ’ appointment as Presbyterian World Mission’s coordinator for migration issues, advocacy and mission in the Northern Triangle of Central America, a new mission co-worker position, is the fulfillment of an overture passed by the 223rd General Assembly, held in St. Louis in 2018.